definitions, examples, opinions, explanations


a year

I haven't updated this blog in a year. But I think I'm going to start now.

If you haven't heard from me in a long time or whatever, then you should know that I'm attending the University of Iowa MFA program in film/video production. So far I've enjoyed it quite a lot. I'm teaching an introductory to filmmaking class and have been taking a few classes a semester. Emily moved here and began working as a paraeducator in a high school. She's gotten a substitute teacher's license and will start working in that capacity soon.

In a couple weeks Emily and I will visit New York City. I have a couple friends from the Hungary Fulbright experience that live there. It should be an adventurous spring break.

Emily and Jared and I have formed a band and we played a show. It was really great and fun. That was recently.

I'm working on doing things and talking about them after rather than saying that I'll do things and never get around to them. I hope that sentence made sense.


laurel said...

nice Craig. I put your blog link on our blog. i think I will post more on the group blog since I have sort of stopped my own personal blog for now.

Craig Webster said...


Previous Posts


I'm from Tacoma, Washington in the US. Between 2001 and 2007 I studied math and physics at Willamette University (BA) and Oxford University (MSc). I also made ten videos - documentaries, narratives, art projects. Currently, I'm studying video art at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts on a Fulbright Scholarship. My project is to incorporate mathematical ideas into films and videos.